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Aluminum Laser Cutting

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Aluminum Laser Cutting

所属分类:Laser cutting

Aluminum Laser Cutting


Aluminum Laser Cutting


Aluminum Laser Cutting Products basic information:

Workpiece material: steel
Processing Type: Aluminum Laser Cutting
Processing Product range: metal accessories products
Proofing time: 4-7 days
Processing time: 4-7 days
In the remaining processing capacity: 1000000 (pieces)
Thickness: 2mm



Aluminum laser cutting Details:

Aluminum laser cutting kerf narrow little deformation of the workpiece, the laser beam is focused to a small spot, the focal point to achieve high power density. Then heat the beam input material far exceed reflection, conduction or diffusion part, the material is heated to vaporization degree quickly evaporated to form holes. With the beam and the material is relatively linear movement, so that the holes are continuously formed through a narrow slit. Trimming heat-affected small, basically no deformation of the workpiece.


Laser cutting aluminum products displayed:


Aluminum Laser Cutting

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Shanghai ICP 14021923 Copyright: Shanghai Tian Du Bang Hardware Instrument Contact: He Weidong Tel: 021-57874956-8001 Mobile: 13901623463 Fax: 021-57878225
Address: China 叶新公 Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai, 5858 Zip: 201606 Store: http: //tiandubang.1688.com Website: http: //www.tiandubang.com

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